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Blog Tutorials

How to Create Perfect Blog | Blog Creation for Beginners

How to create perfect Blog | Blog creation for Beginners

Why we use Blogger?
  • Blogger is used for promoting your business or service through keyword.
  • We can create ‘n’ no of blog page by one blogger account.
  • Two main reasons are behind to user go for Blogger.

        1. Business Promotion by Website owners.
2. Self Earning by affiliate marketing.
Topics to be covered:
1. Disable Navbar option.
2. Set Logo & Favicon in Layout Option.
3. Write Description in Layout Option.
4. Create a New Post.
5. Change Font size, Background and Text-color of Page in Theme option.
6. Background image changes.
7. Adjust width in Theme option.
8. Create static pages like about us, Contact Us, Services.
9. Disable About me and Blog Archive.
10. Disable Date and time, Author name

Guidelines to be followed making Blogger for Business Beauty
1. Type Blogger in Google search box.
2. Click Blogger.com in Google search results.
3. Sign in Blogger.com by Gmail id and Password.
4. Select New Blog in Blogger Dashboard.
3. Set the name of Title as the Site name.
4. Set Address / URL as Site Extension.
5. Select the theme of Blogger.
6. Set Site icon (Favicon) & Logo.

(I) Layout Option (Which is used for Enable or Disable all blogger options)

Set Logo & Favicon:
1. Go to the dashboard.
2. Select Layout option in Blogger dashboard (Same as Appearance option in Wordpress).
3. Click Edit option in header and select Choose File and upload a logo as .png (Transparency) Format. (Layout – Header –Edit— Choose file).
4. Select instead of title and description option in an image section (Layout – Header –Edit— Enable instead of title and description).
5. Click Save.
6. Select Layout option in Blogger dashboard.
7. Click Edit option in Favicon and select choose file and upload site icon .png (Transparency) Format. (Layout – Header –Edit— Choose file – save). (Sometimes it will take one hour to change for the first time).

How to write a Description?
Write a Description of your Business in the Description section.
1. Select the Layout option in the Blogger dashboard.
2. Click Edit option in header and write a description of your business in 500 characters.
3. Click Save (Layout – Header –Edit—Description – Save).

Create New Post
1. Prepare Content for Create a New Post.
2. After Create Content then select post option (Dashboard – Post – New post).
3. Before creating content first thing is Image as mandatory.
4. Select the new post and enter post title (Keyword based) then insert Image and post your Content or video.
5. Click Publish / Update.

(II) Themes Option (Enable change theme, Background, Adjust Width, layout and Advanced Options)
The following option is set only after put content on the post.
1. Select the Theme option.
2. Click Customize.
3. Select the Advanced option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Advanced).

II (i) Advanced Option:
1. Change Font Size, Background and Text-color of Page, Links, Blog title, Blog Description, Tabs text, Tabs Background, Date header, Post title, Post background etc.,
2. After changes made click Apply for Blog
3. Click back to the blog.

II (ii) Theme change:
1. Theme option helps to Change the theme of the blogger.
2. Go to the Blogger dashboard.
3. Select the theme option.
4. Click customize.
5. Select the preferred theme (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Themes).
6. After changes made click Apply for Blog.
7. Any theme change selection automatically Navbar Enable.
8. So once selected theme don’t forget to off Navbar once your changes are done.

II (iii) Background image changes:
1. Go to the Blogger dashboard.
2. Select the theme option
3. Click customize
4. Select a background option (Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Background).
5. Select down-arrow symbol presented in the right side of the image  Ë‡
6. Always put your custom image in Background (use images 1800x1600 or greater)

Adjust width:
Adjust Width option helps to Change the Blog width and Right sidebar width.
1. Go to the Blogger dashboard.
2. Select the theme option
3. Click customize
5. Go to Layout option ((Dashboard – Themes – Customize – Layout).

Layout option is used for add Social icon, Add your ads, Add any extra option based on your layout. Mostly this option used for Ads purpose.
Most people prefer right side one body layout option and two footer layout options.

(III) Create static pages like about us, Contact Us, Services, etc for activating Menu Bar
1. Go to the Blogger dashboard.
2. Select the Page option.
3. Click new page (Static page)
4. Type About us, Contact Us, Services pages and Create separate pages.
5. Post your content in separate About us, Contact Us, Services pages.
6. Once created page connect with the front end of Blogger
7. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
8. Select Layout Option.
9. Click Add Gadget of Cross column menu option
10. If any Pages were already created means drag and drop that page in cross column 2 (downside) then automatically Add gadget option will be displayed.
11. Many options will be displayed. Click + symbol corresponding to the pages menu option.
12. After click + symbol all the pages will display then you may pick all the pages and arrange in order wise as your wise.
13. If you want to add one or more pages means click pages in Cross column option and drag and drop in cross column bar 2.
14. Click Save
 15. Click Save Arrangement
(Dashboard – Layout – Cross column – Add gadget – Pages – Click + symbols – Enable the pages with the Home page – Save – Save Arrangement).

Disable About me and Blog Archive
1. Disable About us Blog Archive option in Right sidebar or Modify right side layout
2. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
3. Select Layout Option.
4. Click edit option of About me and Blog Archive.
5. Uncheck show about me and Blog Archive.
6. Click Save. (Dashboard – Layout – Sidebar right 1 – Edit about me & Blog Achieve – Remove – Save Arrangement)

Disable Date and time, Author name
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Select Layout Option.
3. Click edit of Main option.
3. Disable Date and time of post publish and Author name of the post. Because People can easily identify who is the author of the post and when was the post created. (Dashboard – Layout – Main – Blog post gadget – edit – disable all option except comments and share button – save – save arrangements).

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